Rust oleum spray paint types
Rust oleum spray paint types

rust oleum spray paint types

Some people use a primer coat prior to using the paint coat and this first coat may be what the Tremclad paint will stick to and not the fiberglass itself. Then you would have to use very fine sandpaper, above 220 grit, to score the material while removing wax and other surface materials.


You would have to make sure the fiberglass area to be painted is free of dirt and very clean. Like any other paint brand, the results you get will depend on the amount of prep work you do beforehand. These experts should point you in the right direction and cut your research time down so you can get to the right paint option for your fiberglass project. Then if the label is not clear, talk to the paint experts at different paint stores. Not all Tremclad paint options will work on fiberglass so you will have to find the specific type to get the job done. The word of caution we have for you is to read the labels on the cans to make sure. The company is just saying it is possible. They are not specifically saying you can or you can’t use this brand to paint fiberglass. The big box at the top of the page says two little magic words- ‘and more’. According to the information on that web page, you can use Tremclad to paint fiberglass. Technically, we will be talking about the same type of paint throughout this article no matter the brand name used. You can see it for sale on the Rustoleum website found at this link. Tremclad paint is owned and manufactured by Rustoleum.

rust oleum spray paint types

We were going to save this information for later but it is best to get it out now.

Rust oleum spray paint types